
 Shellac, where have you been my whole life? Well now that you’re here, I am so thankful I’ve found you!

One of my best girlfriends @ninss told me about this product that “…goes on like a polish, wears like a gel and removes in minutes..” (CND)
She said “Anna, you have to try this out. I’m getting it done this afternoon- it’s only $20. It’s like a hard polish and it doesn’t chip.”
Could this be true? Hard polish? Perfect for my extra-thin nail bed! It sounds like just the low-maintenance product I’ve been looking for.
If you’ve read my OPI Shatter review, you know that I want my nails to be hassle-free with no chips or ugly dents.
Hallelujah, my prayers have been answered!
So the next day (Friday), I went to Elegant Nails in Markham & asked for Shellac. Colors were limited to pinks, corals, and reds. I (of course) got coral. It turned out soooo pretty! (see pics below)

Shellac used a UV3 technology and is said to last 3-4 weeks. It has a beautiful “mirror” finish, it dries in no-time (under UV lamps), and absolutely NO nail damage. It doesn’t chip or lift (like a gel nail would) and dents just pop back out. Go ahead, try it- run one of your nails over the other.. see!!! the indents just disappear :)
Shellac is also hypo-allergenic and 3-FREE (contains no formaldehyde, toluene or DBP). It can be removed in 10 minutes or less with acetone.

It’s been 5 days and my nails are as perfect as the first day. Gel nails or acrylic would have bubbled by now and a basic polish would have chipped. I seriousy love this stuff!! I am totally sold and definitely willing to pay for it.
Give Shellac a try and let me know what you think!

Click HERE to read more about Shellac!


one week later- a little grown out!

2.5 weeks! Really grown out but still no chips or lifting. Cracking on one finger but nothing noticeable!