
Confidence is a powerful attribute (not to be confused with being cocky!). When I think of what confidence means to mean I think of words like happy and attractive. When I’m happy, I’m confident or when I find a person attractive, it usually has to do with their confidence

I’ve put together a list, my 10 Weapons of Beauty, that help me feel more confident in my day-to-day life:

  1. Statement lipstick. Whether it be red or plum, every woman needs a lipstick that pulls a look together and makes her feel more confident as soon as she puts it on.
  2. A GOOD mascara. One that lengthens, thickens, and does whatever you need it to do. Buy the best one money can buy. Mascara can make you look more awake and alert, and more defined and polished.
  3. Concealer. Make that two concealers. One dark enough to hide blemishes and the other light enough highlight cheekbones.
  4. The perfect skincare regimen. That works for your skin. Also be aware that it’s never too late (or too early) to start with anti-aging products!
  5. A fast-drying top coat. When used alone, it can make hands appear more elegant, nails appear less dull but, when used over nail polish, it can also cut down your mani-time.
  6. A signature scent. This would be your go-to fragrance, perfect for every occasion.
  7. Tweezers. This sleek beauty tool can come in handy when you’ve got a hot date or important meeting but don’t have the time to get to  a professional. Go for a tweezer that’s sharp and slanted for easy removal and a faster clean up.
  8. A flat iron. You want one that’s beveled (rounded) so that it can act as a curler as well. One weapon, dual use… you can’t really go wrong!
  9. Quality makeup brushes. Although a lot of this has to do with technique, you really want don’t want a brush to be rough enough to scratch your skin, or brushes that shed leaving tiny hairs all over your gorgeous face.
  10. Sex-Kitten heels. With the perfect pair of heels, my confidence sky rockets. These heels can be in the color of your choice but you mustbe able to walk in them with your head held high! It would also help if they look good with multiple outfits.

What helps you feel more confident? Leave me a comment!

 It could be an article of clothing, a scent, a certain beauty product. Anything really!